Happy New Year all you wonderful people!
As I reflect back on 2023, there have been so many changes in my life in just 12 months. I got engaged… got married… quit my 9-5 job to move to another state… started doing Hoss Lady full time… launched my first audio course… did my first Live Talk to a mom’s group…interviewed some amazing women for my podcast… did my first online workshop to an online membership for weight loss… planned a wedding… remodeled my house (most of it)... had the wedding (yes, months after getting married - long story)... hosted all the holidays here…
Guys, I’m exhausted. Like really, really exhausted!
But for the past month, I’ve been taking care of myself. Trying not to get sick. And I’m ready to take on 2024 like a HOSS!!!! Who’s with me?
January's Challenge is
31 Days of White Space!!
Ok, so what is a white space challenge?
Every January we start off the year developing new habits - whether it is eating better, exercising more, or reading more… we don’t always see the results of these resolutions quickly.
So one way I really like to bring home a doable, motivating, and instantly gratifying new habit is to do something we SEE constantly.
The White Space Challenge is just that.
We take one VISIBLE space in your home each day, and we ‘declutter’ it. So often we just pile things up on any flat surface we can reach, and before we know it the clutter is overwhelming.
With a White Space Challenge, we take these visible surfaces and put the “white space” back in. White Space is the EMPTY area in a space. And any time we pass these visible surfaces, we want to get to the point where if something is in that white space, we immediately have the urge to remove it.
Why is this a great habit to create early on in the year?
We can relax better when we aren’t looking at piles of clutter constantly. Our minds are constantly registering all the “things” you subconsciously see. With fewer things, we are able to calm down subconsciously.
The world is full of stimulation… more is MORE in terms of advertising, television, holidays… it’s like we can’t seem to escape the VISUAL NOISE in the world. We can’t control most of it, but what we can control is our environment.
When we build the habit of clearing off visible spaces every day, we are 90% tidy. If you want to become a tidy person, THIS IS THE CHALLENGE for you.
AND… I want to share a fun new addition to the Challenges this year
Each month, you will not only be able to see the daily social media posts as reminders, but you will also get a printable calendar tracker. Just put this calendar in a common space or room, like on the fridge or bathroom mirror, and every time you do the day's challenge, you get to mark off that day on the calendar to show your progress.
At the end of the month, if you post your calendar on social media using the hashtag #likeahoss and tag ME or @the_hoss_lady, you will be entered into a drawing. The winner of that drawing will win 2 free online consulting sessions.
Also, coming soon in 2024…
*The Hoss Lady Podcast is coming BACK!!! If you don’t already subscribe, do so here so you don’t miss any episodes.
**I am hosting a LIVE Online Workshop in the Spring. You’ll be able to show up, invite friends, and learn all about why we get cluttered/stuck/overwhelmed and how to get out of analysis paralysis and into action! Think “Spring Cleaning on Steroids.” Be on the lookout for more info - dates and times TBD.
***A New Audio Course “Around the House in 80 Days” will be released, and it is going to be full of quick easy tips and tricks on how to get the WHOLE house functioning and organized. This new course is exactly what you need if you ever hear yourself saying things like:
“I just don’t know what to do with this…”
"I just can’t ever seem to keep it clean”
"I get so distracted and never finish…”
This will be the course for you. AND the best news, if you have already purchased “Total Home Reset” you will get the “Around the House in 80 Days” absolutely free!!
If you have not purchased "Total Home Reset" and would like to get it now so that you will also get "Around the House in 80 Days" for free, click here to purchase your audio course now.
Ok, so to recap for those of us who scan the emails:
January challenge is The White Space Challenge!
This year we will be offering prizes for peeps who complete each monthly challenge and share on social media.
A new course will be coming in Spring of 2024 that is going to ROCK YOUR HOUSE!!
If you order the current course now, you will get the new course for free once it is released.
